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Market Resource Advantage
    Since its establishment, based on a variety of advanced technologies and processes, through the continuous accumulation and innovation of the company's leaders, technology, production, sales and after-sales personnel, through the analysis of the market, customer feedback, the development of the same industry, and the introduction of new equipment, new processes and new materials, the company's product line has covered vehicle transport vehicles, cargo transport vehicles, container transport vehicles Multifunctional transport vehicles, dump trucks and other models have established a good reputation in the industry and a stable and expanded customer group, won the trust of customers in different regions and industries at home and abroad, and established an experienced professional design team covering vehicle refitting and transport vehicle design, as well as a production and technical worker team and a well-trained sales team, The products have successfully entered the markets of Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Oceania. It has formed a good reputation in the customer group and has become one of the leading enterprises in China's trailer industry.


   No.13, Siwei Road, Dongli Economic Development Zone, Tianjin, China
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